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Career design canvas

"What in the world am I the best at?"
"Where do you get the best career outcomes"

Employers recognise and pay us for our strengths. Knowing your strengths allows us to maximise our potential and satisfaction. This is what we've called "WIT" in our Wit, Grit, Fit framework.

Take A Quick Peek

We simplified decades of academic research, combined it with up-to-date industry knowledge and created the Wit, Grit, Fit framework:


Through an engaging, interactive experience, I have been able to discover my strengths and their uses in various career paths. The simulation allowed me to learn about what levels of education and skills are needed for any particular career, and how I can best set myself up for success in any field.

Molishka Heriveaux

University of Florida

The workshop confirmed our beliefs that success in life can be achieved when we work in industries that resonate with our aptitudes (SMARTs), interests and talents. While we still hold education as a priority, we felt that it is better to encourage our children on paths of their choosing.

Meiling Wong

Parent blogger at Universal Scribbles